Tag: web-dev

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How to Build a Custom Blade Directive with Automated Input Validator-Attribute Matching

Laravel is a powerful framework that offers a whole suite of built-in goodies meant to help enormously speed up application development. Blade, its built-in templating engine, and Eloquent, the ORM it ships with, are two of the most especially useful utilities Laravel brings to the table. As you build apps in Laravel, you will inevitably […]

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How to Host Many Secure Websites on One Host With Docker and a Reverse Proxy

Why Use Traefik Traefik is a powerful modern reverse-proxy program that makes it easy to manage API and web gateways. Including comprehensive support for modern standards such as middleware and multiple routing groups, it streamlines process of load-balancing and routing web traffic between multiple hosts. It is often used to route traffic between docker containers […]

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How to Implement a Shopping Cart for Guest Users

So you want to implement a shopping cart for guest users? If you have ever developed an application that includes a “shopping cart” feature, you have surely been faced with the question: How should I handle shopping carts for users who are not logged in to accounts. This can be a puzzling question. It is […]