StoragePress: The Best Storage Unit Plugin

What is StoragePress?

StoragePress is a powerful new plugin for WordPress websites, designed to be a one-stop shop for owners of self-storage and mini-storage businesses to list their storage units for sale online. Easily installable on a business’ existing WordPress website, it makes it easy for owners of storage businesses to connect their physical business to their online presence. StoragePress is fully compatible with the WordPress block editor, allowing business owners to customize their listing interface to their heart’s content. A series of premium add-ons allow business owners who are serious about their online presence to extract even more value from their website. Click here to get StoragePress from the plugin directory!

Setup and Configuration

After installing the plugin, make your way to the new settings page the plugin adds underneathe the “StorePress” menu. Fill in all the inputs for your business details. These will can be displayed all over your site using the blocks StoragePress includes. A few notes:

  • The business email field is the email address that notifications for the site admin will be sent to.
  • The Unit Listing page will default to “Create New Page (None Selected)”. This will create anew page on your WordPress site that will contain default content for displaying your storage units.
  • Storage Unit features are extra features of your storage units that customers might want to know about. These might include “climate-controlled”, or “drive-up access”.

After saving those changes, make your way to the “All Storage Units” tab. Add a new storage unit by clicking the “Add New” button. After filling out the form and publishing the unit, it will appear on your listing page!

To customize your listing page, head to the page you selected as your default listing page. It can be edited like a normal page using the block editor. StoragePress provides three new blocks to help you create your listing interface.

  • Firsly, the “Storage Unit Business Detail” is used to display a piece of information about your business. These details include business telephone number, email address, street address, etc. The values for this are pulled from the values you entered on the settings page. -Secondly, the “Storage Unit Detail” block displays a piece of information about a specific storage unit. It can display size, price, features, and whether the unit is rented or not.
  • Finally, there is the “Reserve Storage Unit” block. In the block editor, this just looks like a simple button, but on the frontend of the site, it opens a popup upon being clicked that allows visitors to request to rent a Storage Unit.

When a site visitor request to reserve a storage unit, a new entry will appear in the “Reservation Inquiries” tab in the StoragePress menu. It will contain details about the unit they requested, and will contain an email address to contact the propsective customer. After emailing them to discuss payment, simply click “Approve” if you have agreed to move forward with a rental. This will mark the unit as rented, and no other customers will be able to rent it. If you decide to decline their request, click “Deny”, and the unit will be available for new inquiries again.

Dependencies and APIs

This plugin is offered to self-storage and mini-storage businesses 100% free of charge to help them more efficiently utilize their online presence to run their business. A series of premium add-ons are slated for development in the future. These plugins will augment the features included in StoragePress to make it an even more compelling solution for online storage business rentals. Stay tuned for more!


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Attention Business Owners

If you find this plugin useful, use it on your business’ site, or would like to request new features or bug fixes, I want to hear! Click here to get in touch with me!